James "Jay" C. Stewart, III
Hello! My name is James "Jay" C. Stewart, III. I am a Ph.D. Candidate at Florida State University studying Political Science. I earned my undergraduate degree in German Literature and Language and Political Science at New College of Florida in 2020. I graduated with a Master of Science degree in Political Science in the Fall of 2022.
What am I interested in?
My research focuses on radical right parties in Western Europe, climate change public opinion, and German politics. I'm a largely large-N quantitative scholar, but I have used mixed methods research and formal models/game theory.
Recent Publications
Coleman, Eric, and Stewart III, James. Jan 12th 2023 Public
Opinion toward the Environment and Climate Change in the US
Oxford, Oxford University Press
Link: https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/display/document/obo-9780199756223/obo-9780199756223-0351.xml