Hello! My name is James C. Stewart, III, but I generally go by Jay. I am currently a Ph.D. Candidate at Florida State University! During my studies, I've expanded my research agenda to include climate change public opinion, and the impact of authoritarianism on environmental attitudes. I earned my Master of Science degree in Political Science in the fall of 2022, and I am continuing my studies pursuing my Ph.D.
In 2016, I moved to Germany and learned German at iOR Language School in Lörrach and Freiburg. Learning German was life-changing on many levels. First, I met many refugees while learning German. Second, I witnessed firsthand how authoritarian populist backlash brought a far-right party into the German Bundestag. In 2017, I earned a TELC B2 level certification in German.
In 2018, I moved back to the US to continue my studies at New College of Florida. Most of my work at New College dealt with refugee policy, integration, and right-wing extremism in Germany.
I started graduate school in 2021, and have since published in Oxford Bibliographies, I won my Department's Best Practicum Award, I am the department representative for GAU, and I am the Vice President of the PSGSA (Political Science Graduate Student Association).
This photo from https://www.ft.com/content/abb50ada-1664-11e8-9376-4a6390addb44
Causal Inference using Observational Data
As researchers, we often can't randomly assign the independent variable, making causal inference more difficult. Fortunately, the causal inference revolution has given researcher more and more tools for design based inference.
Migration, Integration, and Refugees
How have Turkish guest workers (Gastarbeiter), and their children integrated into German society? Is what it means to be German (Deutschtum) changing? How is the recent Syrian refugee crisis impacting the attitudes towards assimilation of both in and out groups?
Right-Wing Extremism
Considering that the right-wing AfD gained seats in the Bundestag, is this a temporary aberration, or has right-wing extremism reentered German mainstream politics?
2016 - 2017
iOR Sprachschule
TELC B2 level certificate: German
2018 - 2020
New College of Florida
Political Science & German Literature and Language
2021 - Present
Florida State University
Political Science PhD Student
Climate Change Public Opinion
Considering the existential threat that climate change poses to humankind, and the scientific community's strong agreement on the deleterious effects of climate change, why is public opinion on climate change so mixed?
Random Fun Facts About me
I've had KFC on three continents
In 4th grade, I placed 8th in the Florida State National Geographic Geography Bee
I was a National Merit Scholar
I ran the 2018 Dreiländerlauf, a half-marathon that goes through Switzerland, France, and Germany